Queerios: I like Queers. I like Cheerios. Queerios just sounds fun to say and, by logic of merging words together, should be double the awesome!!

Happy Pride to all you BEAUTIFUL Queer folk out there! Toronto, Canada is getting ready for its weekend bash after a week of funery, and coming in on the tide of all this fun stuff is the announcement of Same-Sex Marriage (or as I like to call it, marriage) being legalized in ALL 50 states of the US of A!!!!1

*Standing O for ‘Murica!!!*

Sorry all you bible thumping, Monday to Saturday sinning, Sunday repenting, equal rights for all HUMANS hating jerk offs out there who get upset cause others have found happiness and love that has nothing to do with you…(I’m not actually sorry).

Anyone seen the dumbass tweets from people who think America is going straight to hell in a hand basket because of this legalization so they’ve decided to move to Canada?


Y’all need to look up June 29, 2005. Just do it…I’m not gonna ruin the surprise for you…yes I am.

June 29, 2005, Canada legalized Same-Sex Marriage across all 10 provinces and 3 territories (aka all of Canada), so I don’t know where y’all think y’all going. BYE FELICIA!!

With this revelation of American history in the making, I’ve realized that I, as a Trinidadian born Canadian lesbian, get congratulated on such an amazing historical event.

Umm…why? I mean, I’m not gonna turn down your high five but I ain’t do shit. Did y’all want me to pass it along? If so, this is me passing it along. Way to go, Americans *high five*

To those we were just passing on the exciting news, I got half a bottle of Kraken rum if you’ve got coke so that we can celebrate in honour of our fellow Queerios in America *wink*

Well whatever I’m doing this weekend or whatever y’all are doing this weekend, let’s make sure it’s a gay ole time! Party safe and party hard, Rainbow Warriors!!! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do (hint: there isn’t much I wouldn’t do so just be smart about it hahaha)


What Is 4 AM?

Sooooooooz I know for sure that I haven’t updated y’all on my job situation. I quit that hateful smoothie bar and started working at a gym in an airport. Pretty chill job so I’m loving it. I only work 3 days a week which is great but sucks too.

Pro: more days off to just chill and be.

Con: going from full-time monies to part-time monies are making my bank account feel sadly lighter 😥

Could be worse tho. Could be jobless…or worse, still at hateful smoothies *shudder*

What’s also great about this job is free membership to any of the other gyms of the same name, my AMAZING BossLady is this fiery and adorable, little pregnant bundle of awesome, my coworkers are few but cool peeps, oh and I don’t have to wake up early for shifts!!!

…unless a morning shift needs to be covered.

Morning shift = 4 AM to 11:30 AM aka fucking hell.

Random fact about Rina: when she was younger, she slept around 12-15 hrs a day (totally possible given 24 hrs a day, school was 6 hrs, which left me with 3-6 hrs of no life). She’d only cut back on sleeping hours if she had to involve herself with friends and on weekends. Rina has now been leading a more wakeful life, sleeping around 5-8 hrs a night with a 2-3 hr nap on random days. Fact still remains that Rina loves her sleep and becomes a fucking zombie or angry monster when sleep deprived. (Zombie most of the time; Monster when asked to perform even the simplest of things.)

Back to morning shifts. I don’t understand how people do this shit (I just misspelled shit as hsit…). Add in my stupidity where, although this is only the second time I’ve worked someone’s morning shift, I believe that I can go out the night before and just come straight from the club to work and be perfectly fine.

*head tilt* … *blink* …. *blink*

Reason I think that? I’M TRYNA BE LIKE MY MUM!! Apparently Lady used to do that all the time. Lady also survives on a shit ton LESS sleep. I’m not even sure she sleeps most days. Don’t know for sure cause I’m, y’know, asleep.

Mum is a phenomenal Lady and all but how sad is it that this women, who will be twice my age next year, done did it betta den she daughta?

I’m learning tho. Last week I could barely stay awake and had to zombie walk around the gym to stay relatively awake. made the members laugh tho. Today, I caught a few zzz during the hour that no one was here (because who fucking works out at 4AM?!), caught a massage, again, when no one was here, and pretty much just did the eyes closed but still alert enough to hear the door open.

Yay me!!! Shit’s still hard tho. Gotta survive another 4.5 hrs -_- and I’ll probably still do it again

If any of y’all out in the interwebz do this on the regular, I got one question for you. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU DO THIS SHIT? Drop a hint on how to stay awake (for someone who doesn’t drink energy drinks) and I will return that with positive vibes sent your way!



Hi, my name’s Rina and I have a problem.

Writer’s Block.

Y’know, I wasn’t sure before what exactly that was but then it hit me…hard. I haven’t written anything since February and that hurts. WTF Rina?! I made a promise to myself that I would blog more -_- …so much for that.

Not blogging actually makes me really sad. I had started this blog in hopes of helping me with another problem. My blocked connection to my poetry. THAT problem is like a slow fucking death!!! I discovered my poetic self at age 17 and lost it a few years ago. A FEW YEARS!! Way too long!! I mean, it pops up every once in a while but it’s like a little tease. I think I’ve found the stream of my words, only to realize it’s just a puddle.

I am THIRSTY for my words. I miss their flow. I miss seeing my pen flow across my random notebooks or scraps of random paper that I grab because I need to jot down something quick.

*sigh* can you tell I miss it yet?

What brought this blog post on then, Rina? So glad you asked!

So I was sitting here reading my Sweet One’s blog (you can find it here. Sweet One is a Krafty Kween so if your looking to be inspired by kweel DIY projects such as crotchet clothing or up-cycled jewelry, I strongly suggest you check the blog out!). I’m chilling at work so I’m not even really supposed to be doing this (oops…) but fuck it! Getting back to blogging and writing has been on my mind for a while now. I was recently, albeit briefly, poetically inspired by a wonderfully windy night that promised an equally wonderful storm (the never happened) the next day. I was walking home from the not-so-close mall and all I could think about was my LOVE for Storms! The Wind was asking me to dance while Rain and Thunder played an amazing symphony, with Lightning Ballerinas moving all around me. Lady Moon and her Star babies sat and watched in the audience; Lady Moon holding a beautiful Cheshire grin! I shared this story with Sweet One who told me I need to write that stuff down. I then explained about dam in my poetic river, to which Sweet One replied I should write down whatever comes, whenever it comes. I thought about all of this while reading my Krafty Kween’s blog and decided I need to just open my blog and start typing!

This is the result, which I’m actually pretty proud of, although it isn’t much more than just getting my feels out. Then again, isn’t that what writing is for a lot of folks?
