Lesbian Man Crush…Only Fair For A Monday

Umm…Rina. Lesbians don’t have man crushes. Isn’t that kind of the point?

Hookay, let us start with a definition of a lesbian (via Yahoo! lol):

Lesbian (n.)

  1. A native or inhabitant of Lesbos
  2. The ancient Greek dialect of Lesbos


  1. Of or relating to Lesbos

So apparently Lesbos is the third largest Greek island, located in northeastern Aegean Sea. I’m thinking I need to move there so I can be the Lesbian lesbian. Who’s with me?

Now on to the wiki definition:

A lesbian is a female homosexual; a female who experiences romantic love or sexual attraction to other females. The term lesbian is also used with regard to sexual identity or sexual behavior, regardless of sexual orientation, or as an adjective to characterize or associate nouns with female homosexuality or same-sex attraction.

I don’t quite like that one either so here’s Rina’s definition:

Lesbian (n):

Female identified persons who are physically, emotionally, romantically, and mentally attracted to other female identified persons.

Are we good? No? Oh well, I’m moving on…

LESBIAN MAN CRUSHES!!! Yes, lesbians can have man crushes. No, this does not mean we are now magically straight or bisexual. We still don’t really want dat peen.

Simply put, lesbians can recognize when another individual is attractive. Like when straight girls see a pretty girl and say “oh, she’s pretty.” Doesn’t mean they wanna sit on her face…just means she has visually pleasing features.

That’s how lesbians feel about their man crushes. The man has visually appealing features and could be the potential sperm donor… (yes, that’s sometimes a thought for some lesbians)

May I repeat: This does not mean there is a want for some cis male’s penis.

Note: Cis means that a person identifies with the sex they were born into. So your sex and gender identity matches.

Example: I seriously love gingers. Why? Probably ’cause they’re the odd ones out and people said gingers had no souls but the gings I knew were fucking awesome! Also, redhead women are fucking sexy.

Rina, what does this have to do with your example? I’m getting there…

At work, there’s this random redhead man that comes to buy smoothies every once in a while. I have no idea where her works, or what he does but I fucking love him. The red hair is that strong vibrant color. He looks physically fit, and he’s always dressed sooooo proper, with his suit and tie. He has gorgeous light blue eyes and strong facial features. He is this lesbian’s man crush. I told my friend that I want his babies so he needs to squirt in a cup so I can take that shit to a doctor and just say “inject me, bitch!” Then I could potentially have mixed ginger babies…a rarity but it happens. I’ve seen it lol

See, even though he’s fucking gorgeous, I don’t actually want what’s below his belt. I just recognize that he’s pretty.

To all my lesbians out there, don’t be ashamed to #MCM on instagram!!! We are allowed to recognize someone with good face game.

To all y’all waiting on the sidelines…we still aren’t magically straight or bisexual.


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