Oh it’s the New Year? Damn, now I need a Resolution -_-


Rina here and I would like to say:


Soooooo I haven’t really been blogging but none the less, I hope y’all had some fun holiday times, lots of family lovin’ (which includes but isn’t limited to friends-as-family), some boozin, if you’re in to that and some OJ if you’re not (I can’t fuck with you in you ain’t into dat OJ doe…real talks).

So with this New Year stuff comes some resolution crap

*cues Aaliyah’s “We Need A Resolution”*

And I’ve been sitting here thinking hard (…not that hard) about what arbitrary list of shit I’m gonna “work on” this year. Then I thought to myself:

Rina: “Self”

Self: “Yea?”

Rina: “What if we actually make a list?”

Self: “Whatchu talkin bout Rina?”

Rina: “Like, a real list of shit and actually do it?”

Self: “…that’s crazy talk…I LOVE IT!! But can we do it? Like, really do it?”

Rina: “I dunno but I’m done to really trying!”

That convo was all entertaining and shit, but I realized, due to my goldfish memory, I could never remember some imaginary list I created at the beginning of the year. if I wrote that shit down somewhere, I would lose it…in 0.2 seconds flat.

So I started thinking, what can I really do with myself this year?

I know I don’t do nothing with myself all year. I don’t believe anyone can say that they’ve never changed or been that same person from beginning to end of a year. That shit happens gradually tho. Things just happen to me gradually, little by little, step by step.

Then I thought, “Oh, Rina! That was some fancy thoughts you done thunk!”

And it hit me…

I’m gonna creating a small list of things (like 3 or 4 items) for me to do each month. I’m gonna buy one of this marker things that you can use to write on your mirror with, without marking up your mirror permanently. I’ll write this small list of things where I see them everyday!

(I’m that vain that I look at myself in my mirror and just stare, multiple times a day lol…unless I feel like something is staring back. Then I avoid that shit until it’s gone. NOT TODAY SATAN!!!)

I think this is a good idea for me personally. Feel free to thief it if you wanna try it ’cause it sounds like a good idea for you too. Here’s January’s list:

  1. Start going to the gym again.
  2. Read more books
  3. Apply for jobs so you can leave the fucking mall!
  4. Blog more

Not too hard, right?

What are some of y’all’s “resolutions?” I’m curious (nosy) to know. Maybe I’ll steal some of yours…(probably)

Hey!!! It’s my first post of the year!!!! Yayyyy!!!!
