Does My Presence Offend You?

Umm…I don’t really know why this is a thing, but it is. I don’t think I’m that horrible of a person, and if, whatever the situation, I visible and most obviously am horrible, then I can understand why my presence offends. But when you don’t even know me??

Maybe my bitch face game strong…I just don’t know, man

I actually try to move through life as a nice person. I don’t mind helping random strangers out, making random friends by striking up friendly convo, or just offering a smile. I will sit there and listen to my friends rant and cry and genuinely offer love and support and, if I can in anyway, help.

But then there are those people who just don’t like me for NO reason…or at least no reason they’re telling anyone. Damn, at least let a bitch know! How did I hurt you? Anger you? Was I hungry? If I was, I wholeheartedly apologize for anything I said or did while hangry…

But, if all I did was smile, or be really friendly, or just look cute, you need to stop and re-evaluate your own damn life.

If you’re ever offended by my presence, make sure I NEVER find out. I liken that shit to you putting power in my hands. I now have the power to  fuck with your emotions or fuck up your day just by existing.

I will smile in your face, be your best friend, love the shit outta you, all to piss you right the fuck off. And guess what?? I won’t even be wasting my energy on it. I’m a be amused as fuck, like:

“Hey Felicia! How you doin, gorgeous?”

“I’m fine.” [Proceeds to get upset by my cheerfulness]

“Yes you are! I hope you have a good day! Bye Felicia!”

I know I can be an asshole at times, but it’s only if you started it. I choose to only send out positivity and happiness because I feel, by doing so, I call it back to me. Not gonna lie though, there are people who try and make this a reverse situation. They don’t know me and my struggles though. I’ll go ghost on you faster than Casper and be gone quicker a McChicken sitting in front a hungry fat kid…

I refuse to have my energy drained by fools, and I choose to surround myself with people who make me happy. I will do the same for them, no matter what. Sometimes, you don’t know when you’re being siphoned or poisoned by those you hold close to your heart. When you realize it, don’t be afraid to protect yourself and drop those people. It will hurt for a bit, once they’re gone. Some people try to fix those relationships and that’s okay. Some people actually succeed! When you don’t though, it’s okay. You’ve gotta look out for your own health (this includes, but isn’t limited to mental health) before you can look out for anyone else. This is what I do.

If my presence offends you, I’m sorry…that’s not my problem though, is it?


Lesbians vs. Periods – WARNING: I Get REAL Deep Bout It

real lesbian

Okay so this picture was shared with me and it made me laugh so hard.

Disclaimer: Not all lesbians go down on their lover when they’re on their period…I, however, do. With consent of course. (Consent is sexy after all!)

Ew, Rina! How could you? They’re all bloody and shit!

Okay, pause. There’s levels to this shit.

My face don’t come away looking like vampire bitch in that pic. I got rules too, y’know.

  1. Oh your flow is heavy and you’re cramping and shit? Here’s a hot water bottle and some Tylenol. I can’t speak for all women but I know that when I’m going through my first few menstrual days, I am a complete monster. I’ll be angry for no reason and I’m liable to go from 0 to 100 REAL quick. Attempt to go near my vagina and you are most definitely losing your hand…
  2. How yuh punani smell stink so? Okay so cleanliness is next godliness…regardless of whether or not a menstrual cycle is involved. At least, with a period, there’s an excuse. Not a good one ’cause taking care of your yoni should always be a thing…ALWAYS. If I can smell you and your pants ain’t even off yet, bitch NEVER.
  3. Tampons > Pads Okay so in general, I absolutely hate using pads. I feel like I’m sitting in a diaper of blood. Tampons have been my friend since high school. I know someone people view it as just a plug for the hole or something (…seriously?) but they are comfortable and I can function better with them. They also can be used as a marker/remembrance that your lover is flowing so stay with the clit…unless you’re actually a vampire (Note: There are also menstrual/diva cups but I don’t really have much experience with them so I can’t really speak on them)
  4. Consent Is Sexy Sooo I believe in this very, very much. I don’t think things should be forced and I believe that communication is AMAZING. To have someone to explore things with you is great and knowing when someone is comfortable or not saves you from getting in trouble…also, if it’s not consensual, it’s not legal. Just thought I’d throw that in there. If my lover doesn’t want me to go near their yoni while they’re flowing then that’s cool. I can wait.
  5. Last but not least…I can have sex everyday with the exception of maybe 3 days. That’s a real thing. I am an impatient, hyper sexualized being who exists in a state of eternal horniness. Having to wait a week is fucking torture!!!! And besides, if you can’t go down on me, doesn’t necessarily mean I can’t go down on you…unless the lesbian urge to merge happened and there was a sync-up. That shit still weirds me out.

This rant got real into it, didn’t it? I make no apologies…
